Sunday, April 30, 2006

the holidays are here baybeh!!!
i always hear this from my colleagues "enjoy your holidays. wait till you start work. you're going to regret it".
from the words of these wise ppl, i'll say "for FUCK sake. of course i will".

the 3 weeks i was in W7_ has been quite an enriching one. learnt new procedures and techniques. so far from my shift i did not face any major problems. an entirely different experience for the opp shift though. they faced quite a few challenges. shan't get into details about it because we've been warned several times not to reveal any accounts in blogs. some would say it as 'act of negligence'.
but to sum it all up, i learned alot and enjoyed myself at the same time.

on another positive note, thank God i passed all my modules. with God's grace and blessings, i'll be in my final year next july.
it seems like yesterday i was in my first year and sophomore year.

i had a buffet dinner with the family at royal plaza at scotts.
the spread was incredible.
i enjoyed most on the desserts.
chocolatefondue baybeh

technology has its way to piss you off.


Thursday, April 27, 2006

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ya allah, please help me. im worried.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

one more week to go baybeh.
one more week to three week break.

so far so good in the ward. but there have been a little screw ups here and there and fortunately all is good.
hope to maintain that way cos i still have a week to go and i want to pass my posting.


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HAPPY 40andAbove Birthday
to Cicik, Bibik and Papa.

we were celebrating april babies birthday over and my grandparents place and my grandpa showed us all the old photos of his younger days, my grandparents wedding, my mom and her siblings when they were young, the photos of relatives (some were long-lost) and photos of his grandchildren; including me.
and i could not remember how lame i looked.

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dear god, the outcome will be revealed. please help me.


Monday, April 10, 2006

today was my first day of attachment.
basically it was last paper on friday and beginning of attachment today.
how sucky is that?
but the usual ppl were there so it wasnt all that bad. but hopefully the ward and cubicle i'm assigned to will not be a pain in my butthole.

a few ppl i know was on anugerah skrin tonight. nureen, raudah and hafiz who made it to the top 30.
i thought most of them were quite merepek. there was one guy who was over the top and my dad's exact words were 'si dini bengap betul ah'

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

my MOST feared paper is tmr!!

its one of those random things you have to say.

dear god , please help me.
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i guess i'm just like any other girl.
i'm contented most of the time, i hope.
i throw a fit when i'm pissed.
i'm 21 years of age.
i'm a nursing student at nyp.
i ♥ myself.
add me on msn/friendster/myspace at
or for fotos.
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